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Los Angeles Garden Club World Environment Calendar

2022 = the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (source U.N.)


  • Feb 2:    World Wetlands Day

  • Feb 27:  Int'l Polar Bear Day

  • Mar 3:    World Wildlife Day

  • Mar 14:  Int'l Day of Action for Rivers

  • Mar 15:  World Consumer Rights Day

  • Mar 20:  World Sparrow Day

  • Mar 21:  Int'l Day of Forests

  • Mar 21:  Int'l World Planting Day

  • Mar 21:  World Wood Day

  • Mar 22:  World Water Day

  • Mar 23:  World Meteorological Day

  • Mar 28:  Earth Hour Worldwide

  • Apr 7:     World Health Day

  • Apr 22:   Earth Day Worldwide

  • Apr, last Fri: Arbor Day

  • May, 2nd Sat: World Migratory Bird Day

  • May 22:  Int'l Day for Biological Diversity

  • May, 3rd Fri: Bike-to-Work Day

  • May 31: World No Tobacco Day

  • Jun 5:    World Environment Day

  • Jun 8:    World Oceans Day

  • Jun 15:  Global Wind Day

  • Jun 17:  Garbage Man Day

  • Jun 17:  World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

  • Jul 11:    World Population Day

  • Jul 29:    Int'l Tiger Day

  • Aug 12:  World Elephant Day

  • Sep 16:  Int'l Day for Ozone Layer Protection

  • Sep 18:  World Water Monitoring Day

  • Sep 21:  Zero Emissions Day

  • Sep 22:  Car Free Day

  • Sep 3rd Weekend: Clean Up the World

  • Sep 23:  Ecological Debt Day

  • Sep 26:  World Environmental Health Day

  • Sep, last Sun: World Rivers Day

  • Oct, 1st Mon: World Habitat Day

  • Oct 1-7: World Wildlife Week

  • Oct 4:    World Animal Day

  • Oct 7:    World Habitat Day

  • Oct, 2nd Wed: Int'l Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

  • Oct 16:  World Food Day

  • Oct 24:  Int'l Day of Climate Action

  • Nov 6:   Int'l Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

  • Nov 15: National Recycling Day

  • Dec 5:   Int'l Volunteer Day

  • Dec 11: Int'l Mountain Day

  • eDay:    Variable Dates

Los Angeles Garden Club, Inc., 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation, Los Angeles, California, USA 

Mailing Address:   Los Angeles Garden Club, Inc., 1125 E Broadway #839, Glendale, CA 91205

Meeting Location: Griffith Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium, 4730 Crystal Springs Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027

(next to Park Ranger Station)

© Content Copyright 1932-2024 Los Angeles Garden Club, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

© Photographs Copyright 2001-2024 4seasons Photography. All Rights Reserved.

© Photographs Copyright 2010-2024 Members Los Angeles Garden Club, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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